United Kingdom is Telegraphing Door to Door Vaccine Coercion.

Amid this plandemic, Australia has collected up children, separated them from their parents, and marched them into a stadiums guarded by armed men for vaccination. Now, the United Kingdom is preparing to dispatch door-to-door teams across its English-controlled territory. To be honest, no one should be surprised at this point. For the last two years, “conspiracy theorists” have been forecasting this by looking at the stepping stones of current events. And, while America has already had a taste of what this entails, let us explore what this oppression implies once again… Firstly, this implies that there is a government-created database of who has and has not received the vaccine in the United Kingdom. You could not have been more mistaken if you assumed your medical decisions were private in a communist government. Look no further further than the tyranny against which England’s forefathers … Continue reading United Kingdom is Telegraphing Door to Door Vaccine Coercion.