Update: Warp Speed and Hell Bound — White House

Acquiesces to FDA’s… Guidelines, COVID-19 Vaccine Emergency-Approval — Satan Soldiers are implementing a toxic vaccine What’s That In Your Vaccine? The Rise Of The Xenobots! There’s plenty of room at the bottom’, wrote Richard Feynman three days after I was born in 1959. In his talk to the American Physical Society, he considered the future development, not only of mass data storage, but also the development of nano-scale machines which could be used to manipulate single atoms. Synthetic chemistry if you like. A month or so ago, I was intending to write an article on the use of nano technology which could enable workable electronics to be embedded into human cells. This was inspired by alternative media ideas of ‘smart dust’ and nano technology in the much-awaited SARS-CoV2 vaccine. After a few days of research, I gave up on the idea. … Continue reading Update: Warp Speed and Hell Bound — White House