What Is Earth Day?? Another Godless Celebration That Aims To Worship Creation, Not The Creator

Man-made tradition has been the bane of true worship since before Jesus walked the earth. He rebuked it then, and He rebukes it now (Mark 7:7–8; Colossians 2:8). What we sometimes call “worship” is nothing more than a feel-good exercise filled with comfortable practices handed down to us from our parents and grandparents. Many people consider themselves part of a certain religious group simply because that is how they were raised. They never think to question the unbiblical traditions, rites, or exercises this church adheres to because the practices are so familiar. Many times these extra-biblical practices actually contradict scriptural truths but are excused because “that’s the way we’ve always done it.” Any worship style can be unbiblical if it is not coming from the heart. The Samaritan woman asked Jesus a technicality about worship, and His answer is one we … Continue reading What Is Earth Day?? Another Godless Celebration That Aims To Worship Creation, Not The Creator