California Leaves Behind Voter ID Legislation. Leaving The Corruption Unchecked.


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County elections director: More staff needed for voter ID | WCTI

The likelihood of protracted litigation has caused supporters of a California voter identification campaign to postpone their proposed ballot issue from 2022 to 2024.

Reform California submitted its proposed ballot initiative, the Voter Identification and Registration Requirements Initiative, in September and obtained approval to begin collecting the 997,139 signatures required by the April 26 deadline to get the issue on the state’s June 30 ballot.

Even if it could fulfill the “tight deadlines” for collecting signatures, Reform California Chairman Carl DeMaio said it was clear that state authorities and the Democrat-controlled State Assembly were determined to keep the Voter ID initiative off the ballot.

“They think our proposition is illegal,” DeMaio added, quoting California Attorney General Rob Bonta and legislative analysts. That gave us pause to see what they’d do to put a halt to this initiative.”

Reform California would refocus its effort for 2024, “building as many safeguards as possible” to withstand inevitable legal challenges, rather than embarking on a costly, labor-intensive petition drive, he said.

“We have to foresee how it might be reversed or nullified after the vote,” DeMaio added, referring to what the Democrats did in California. If they don’t win at the polls, “they’ll try to overturn the result afterwards.”

And he predicted that the bill would pass because stricter voter ID requirements are popular, even in deep blue California.

“If we have a fair vote on this, we’ll win this election by a landslide,” DeMaio stated.

Reform In order to vote in person in California, voters must provide a valid and current driver’s license or government-issued identification card. Voters who choose to vote by mail would need to supply a valid and current driver’s license or government-issued identity card number, as well as a signature that matches the signature on file with their voter registration.

Residents will be required to disclose their social security numbers in order to register to vote under the proposed ballot item. It would also compel counties to assess voting in person wait times after each election and remedy “unreasonably long wait times detected in any polling place or voting facility.”

A citizen may seek judicial review of the state’s or county’s performance in complying with the ballot measure itself under the proposal.

According to DeMaio, “one of the things they placed on the table was that they thought they could dispute it” under federal law because registering to vote required a social security number.

“We differ, but we must be prepared for liars, frauds, and thieves.” “Their goal is to keep this off the ballot or invalidate it after it has been cast,” he explained.

At this point, DeMaio said, the group has decided not to waste time and money gathering signatures since the “attorney general can simply say, ‘I’m not putting this on the ballot.'” We’d have to sue, and then it’d be a long fight” that would likely remove it from the ballot in 2022 regardless.

“Right now, the goal is to see if we can reset and get it on the ballot in 2024,” he said.

The proposed California voter ID measure was one of six fighting for a spot on the ballot in 2022 throughout the country. Arizona is the only one that will be on the ballot in November.

The Arizona Legislature essentially adopted Arizonans for Voter ID’s proposed Voter Identification Requirements for Mail-In Ballots and In-Person Voting Measure in a resolution and placed it on the ballot on Feb. 28, avoiding the group’s need to collect 237,645 valid voter signatures by July 7 in order to get the proposal before voters.

Similar citizen-initiated proposed voter ID regulations and constitutional amendments are currently gathering signatures in four states—Michigan, Missouri, Nebraska, and Nevada—but are up against looming deadlines, progressive counter-ballot initiatives, and judicial challenges.

The Elias Law Group, the Washington, D.C. law office of Marc Elias, a prominent elections law attorney who works with Democrats, has filed a lawsuit against Nevada’s initiative, but the initiative’s supporters are continuing to gather signatures while defending their measure in court.

DeMaio, a former San Diego city councillor who established Reform California in 2003, broadcasts a daily radio show called “The DeMaio Report” on KOGO in San Diego. According to him, the organisation is the “biggest center-right organization in the state.”

Reform California has held recall elections and ballot initiatives, including Proposition Six in 2018, which asked voters to overturn the 2017 Road Repair and Accountability Act, which raised the state’s sales taxes on gasoline by 12 cents per gallon, diesel by 20 cents per gallon, and annual vehicle registration fees by $25 to $175.

When the petition said “Repeal the Gas Car Tax,” it received a lot of support, but when the ballot question title and summary language were released, it received just 43% of the vote.

California law allows elected officials to write the titles and summaries for ballot measures. Sponsors offer the language in most states, which is then examined by legislative analysts and/or judges, including state Supreme Courts, such as in Florida.

Reform “The title, ‘Eliminate road repair and transportation projects,’ which is a falsehood,” DeMaio said of California’s “Repeal the Gas Car Tax” petition effort.

“It’s how voter fraud, election fraud, happens in California; how they lie to voters, and how we have crooked politicians that like to put their thumb on the scale in elections.”

The ballot language problem has been argued for years, but he claims there is little motivation for the majority party to amend the legislation now that Democrats govern the state.

DeMaio said the proposed Voter ID ballot measure’s title and summary were “not without bias,” but not as “biased, deceptive, and misleading” as Proposition Six’s wording.

“In the meantime, we’re trying to educate voters on things we can do to police elections and fight for election integrity across the state and at the county-by-county level,” he said, citing a Transparency Foundation report released on March 15 after an audit of the state’s 2021 gubernatorial recall election.

The audit looked at a sample of 7.1 percent of California voters who are now designated as eligible voters.

According to the report, 83,725 “high-risk ballots” were mailed to voters who hadn’t voted in at least 2016; When the United States Postal Service’s National Change of Address database was compared to county voter rolls, it found 910 “erroneous ballots” mailed to old addresses, as well as 17,715 “questionable votes” cast by voters who registered years ago, never voted in subsequent elections, but “suddenly returned a ballot during the 2021 Recall Election.”

The Center for Civic Engagement, the Open Government Institute, the Center for Public Finance Transparency, and Conflict Watch are all part of the Transparency Foundation, a San Diego-based nonprofit that advocates for “strong disclosure rules to combat self-dealing and conflicts-of-interest in public institutions.”

DeMaio is the president and CEO of the foundation. “It does not engage in political action or promote politicians,” he explained, “but it can conduct public policy studies and audits.”

According to DeMaio, if a comparison of registered voter rolls with Post Office change-of-address data may raise such problems without generating solutions, it “weakens trust in elections.”

“The Democrats would argue that an all-mail-in election without voter ID isn’t a problem,” he said. “You should have to establish [a problem] before anything is done.”

“Reform California, on the other hand, disagrees. Why would you want to risk it? Hundreds of thousands of ballots were sent to persons who were unable to vote, resulting in billions of ballots being sent to the wrong address across the country. Any other business would be closed down due to incompetence.

“Yet,” DeMaio said, “California Democrats have built a model that Democrats across the country want to replicate in every state.” Every Democrat in the country wishes California’s shambolic electoral system might be replicated in their own state. When 30 to 35 percent of the people has lost faith in elections, you can’t have a functioning democracy. For a democracy, it’s “terminal sickness.”

It cannot be stressed enough that our current administration has been intentionally worsening the circumstances on our southern border since Bidense first stepped foot into office. It goes without saying that the fentanyl epidemic is a by product of Biden’s intentional lack of initiative on our border. It is possibly one of the baseline responsibilities of being the president of the United States of America to protect our borders from foreign threats. And along comes sleepy joe, more worried about dictatorial COVID-19 legislature than the infiltration of our southern border. But we all know it’s a part of his game, compromising red states to gain votes. The left doesn’t like it when you require ID to vote because they believe it’s racist. Despite the requirement of three forms of identification when taking a visit to the DMV. It all comes together, wrapped in a bow; Adding up to the worst display of public policy in American history. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.



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