How Kourtney Kardashian Became Known For Kooky Health Advice,She Likes The In Crowd,HillSong/ ZOE Plastic Non- Biblical Church

Due to the major concerns many people have about HillSong/ Zoe Church, we strongly advise you to use the utmost caution and discernment before visiting or joining this hip non-biblical Church movement. Churches in the New Testament era were indeed small assemblies that met in homes (Acts 2:46; 20:20). So the practice is certainly biblically allowable. There also seem to be some good reasons to have house churches as opposed to large gatherings: greater intimacy, stronger relationships, more comfortable worship, single-mindedness, etc. The fact that large churches usually have their own small groups that meet in homes speaks to this fact. Several considerations should be made, however, concerning the reasons for creating and/or attending a house church. First, the fact that first-century Christians did something does not establish it as a pattern for all generations to follow (unless there is also … Continue reading How Kourtney Kardashian Became Known For Kooky Health Advice,She Likes The In Crowd,HillSong/ ZOE Plastic Non- Biblical Church