LGBTQ Advocate:Christian is the new black. We had just been sent to the back of the bus, who will be our Rosa Parks?

Public schools are forcing our kids to embrace lifestyles clearly against the Word of God.  Far too many Christians are going along with it in the name of acting in love.  I cannot believe that God is pleased with parents surrendering their children to LGBTQ activists for indoctrination.  We are in this mess because Christians have been too passive for decades.  Those who identify as LGBTQ are only 3% of the population.  LGBTQ Bullies: We Won’t Apologize for Being Christians! The crux of the gay pride movement, as I understand it, is to be proud of who you are without apology. Why, then, do homosexual activists demand Christians apologize for who they are? Why must Christians be cornered, made to feel othered for such radical “extreme” beliefs that babies have rights to life, those babies are best raised by their mothers and fathers who are … Continue reading LGBTQ Advocate:Christian is the new black. We had just been sent to the back of the bus, who will be our Rosa Parks?