5 mins read


Dinesh Kaushiva November 10 , 2023   A court hearing took place in COSTA RICA where an Independent Group called  INTEREST OF JUSTICE  had filed a Law Suit against the Government of Costa Rica for misleading the population that the COVID-19 were VACCINES which they have known all this time actually are ‘ NON VACCINES’  and rather have been using these Experiment Injections on Humans as their GUINEA PIGS.  “  —————————– As also confirmed by President Obama the fact “Billions of people were being used as EXPERIMENTS ON GUINEA PIGS to create COVID-19 Vaccines .”  (1) —————————— PARAPHRASED FROM MULTIPLE  ‘IOJ’ EMAILS: THE CENTRAL POINT OF THE INTEREST OF JUSTICE LAWSUIT IS THAT INJECTIONS THAT HAVE BEEN ALLEGEDLY  PROMOTED  AS ‘THE SPIKE PROTEIN COVID-19 VACCINES’ WERE ACTUALLY NOT A VACCINE BUT A GENE THERAPY AND DNA/RNA MODIFICATION INJECTION USING HUMANS […]


14 mins read

Was the Covid-19 PLAN-demic that started as of March of 2020 a America’s Holocaust which is still continuing ?

Dinesh Kaushiva October 20, 2023 Since March of 2020 America’s Reported Mortality Totals started to be in access of America’s Historical 30 year ‘Provisional Average Trends’. They have remained to be consistently be in access even up until the present time despite over 270 million Americans have already been reported by CDC have been Injected and the number has been steadily growing because of ‘Democrat Party’s Vaccination Campaigns’ in collusion with The World Economic Forum, United Nations and World Health Organization. This America’s recorded Mortality Rate Spike is the worst in its History of all the other Plagues, Epidemics, Natural Disastrous and even all the Wars combined. CDC ISSUED United States’ Provisional Mortality Statistic Report – Mar 2020 – Dec 2021 Chart Light Bars on the Graph are the access Mortality Totals. Dark Blue Bars represent the 30 Years Average […]


10 mins read

President Trump finally said it in a speech what many have been speculating is that “Biden’s Boss is Obama” therefore ‘technically’ Obama has been (illegally) running the Country.

Dinesh Kaushiva Septmeber October 10 ,2023 Recently during a speech President Trump said: Trump: Crooked Joe Biden and frankly his boss, Barack Hussein Obama https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DoNs1LI_Bxg “Former President Donald J. Trump hold a rally on this Columbus Day in Clinton Township in New Hampshire, and saying Barack Hussein Obama is Crooked Joe Biden’s boss.” Who are the World’s ‘ PUPPET MASTERS  ?  https://hnewswire.com/who-are-the-worlds-puppet-masters/?fl_builder&fl_builder_ui ——————— THIS SUMMARIZED OPINION OF OURS IS BASED OF THE REVIEW OF THE FOLLOWING LIMITED LIST OF EVENTS, OCCURRENCES, EXECUTIVE ORDERS SINCE 2008 AND OUR ASSESSMENTS OF BARRACK HUSSEIN OBAMA’S PRESIDENCIES (LEGAL AND SHADOW) BREAKDOWN REGARDING HIS CONTROL AND INFLUENCE ON THE DEMOCRAT PARTY, REPUBLICAN ELITES, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE BLACK AND MUSLIM COMMUNITIES IN AMERICA AND COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD; PRESIDENT OBAMA’S: FIRST TWO LEGAL TERMS : January 20, 2009, and ended on January […]


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