19 mins read

Senators React to Amy Coney Barrett’s Nomination: An ‘Excellent Nominee’ Who Will

‘Safeguard Our Religious Liberties’ — Srh: Yeah Just Like Roberts the Bush Appointee Turned His Back on Christians… Our Supreme Court perverted justice The WatchMan has the duty to deliver the sobering message: Unless the citizens of America and The World acknowledged their sins, turned from them, repented and began again to obey God’s law, they would die from their sins. Regardless of how individuals or Corp responded to the warning, if they heard the message, the WatchMan had done his job and was no longer responsible. Only if the WatchMan did not deliver the admonition would he be judged along with the wicked. Srh… Our Supreme Court Perverted Justice the Watchman Has the Duty to Deliver the Sobering Message: Unless the Citizens of America and the World Acknowledged Their Sins, Turned From Them, Repented and Began Again to Obey […]


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