10 mins read

Man Gets No Prison Time For Torturing Teenage Girl, Holding Her In a Dog Cage

Is the rape culture being promoted in the United States? Most people claim outrage at instances of rape, yet the penalties for a rape conviction do not seem to be harsh enough to keep it from happening. The headlines shout so many stories of otherwise upstanding young men raping women and girls that even those who are horrified at the idea can become desensitized to it. Complicating the matter are false charges filed by women against innocent men; such false allegations jar the sensitivities and plant a seed of doubt the next time a rape is reported. Moral evil is evil that is caused by human activity. Murder, rape, robbery, embezzlement, hatred, jealousy, etc., are all moral evils. When people, created in the image of God, choose to act in defiance of God’s law, the result is moral evil. Moral […]


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