11 mins read

The Hoax of the ‘Separation of State and Church Conflict’ Exposed.

December 1, 2023 There has been a continued conflict calling about the need for the Separation of State and Church for a long time in America and it pokes its ugly head UP very frequently during  the current events’ political affairs. Right up front the challenge has been the issue of not using, or allowing, Jewish’s  or Church’s Religious Principles and Doctrines as the foundation of handling the Governmental matters. The ‘HYPOTHETICAL IDEAL DREAM’ of the proponents of Separation of State and Church  have always been is that all Government matters must be handled on a SECULAR BASIS IN THE STATE’S OPERATIONS AND AFFAIRS (being presented as a  Separation and FREEDOM FROM ANY RELIGIOUS PREJUDICE, PRINCIPLES OR TEACHINGS) . IN THE PROCESS OF DOING OUR RESEARCH WE BECAME AWARE THAT IT IS ONLY A HOAX ; THE MATTER OF THE […]


4 mins read

Ready or Not ! or Believe it Not ! Bible’s Prophesy is now being fulfilled by the Globalists.

November 29 , 2023 Globalists Plan to Microchip Population, WEF Whistleblower Says Democrat Party is in collusion with the World Economic Forum’s Agenda of controlling every human being are moving ahead with their plans of the Digital Currency by the Central Banks and its sister plan to also implement their Digital ID and Electronic Tracking Agenda. The whistleblower states that their plan to do so is to entice people to receive the Microchip so they will be able to easily access the ‘Basic Income’ and many other Government provided services and benefits instantly. (Suggestion: After uploading the article please skip the embedded video to read the whole article first before coming back to the video) Globalists Plan to Microchip Population, WEF Whistleblower Says “But the next rationalization would be, well, but you can lose your card, somebody can steal your […]


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