3 mins read

Satan Soldier and Soon To Be X NY Governor, Hands Free Cuomo Defies NY Democratic

Chairman, Refuses To Resign… Ever-dog Has It’s Day — A Quote From Cuomo, God Didn’t Do That I Did!… Despite calls by prominent Democrats to resign – including President Biden, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is digging in his heels, according to New York State Democratic Party Chairman Jay Jacobs – who said he’d previously stood behind the embattled governor throughout a sexual harassment investigation. Jacobs told Spectrum News that he expects lawmakers will impeach and remove Cuomo, and that Jacobs had been trying to persuade Cuomo to step down since New York Attorney General Letitia James issued her report. That report concluded that Cuomo violated federal and state law in harassing 11 women and creating a hostile work environment. –Bloomberg Jacobs said he hadn’t planned to make a public statement, but Cuomo’s refusal to resign following a phone call forced his hand. […]


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