8 mins read

Dr. Bryan Ardis’ research updates about Snake Venom in COVID-19 Patients and Democrat Party’s controlled NIH, FDA and CDC agencies latest guidelines.

Dinesh Kaushiva Septmeber 26, 2023 Recently CDC issued their latest Guidance which was still without first providing any Independent Scientific Closed Clinical PEER Group Trails Confirmation Reports that their NEW IMPROVED EXPERIMENTAL UNTESTED COVID-19 Bio-Weapons’ aka VACCINES are safe and the benefits of their Injections’ outweighs the very long list of now known Negative Health After Affects and many new diseases for which the Doctors are reporting they have no cure for at this time. ———————— As in all the previous guideline cases since January of 2020  the Democrat Party controlled HHS, NIH, NIAID, FDA and CDC Federal Agencies quit using the Historically World Wide Medical Research Policy and Standards of first acquiring Independent Closed Clinical Trial’s PEER REPORTS confirming their own findings before starting LIMITED HUMAN TRIALS nothing has changed with their most recent guidance release. “ FDA AND […]


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