1 min read

Watchman Says Guard Your Souls: Plans to Recognize an Offensive Demonic, Anti-Catholic Hate Group Have Been Scrapped by the Los Angeles Dodgers. Earlier This Month, the Baseball Team Announced They Would Be Celebrating “The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence.” Dreadful Demon Group From Hell

  HNewsWire: Meet Real Live Christ Hating Demons: What It Takes To Be A Sister of Perpetual Indulgence ​ Most often the Sisters are seen out having a good time, looking fabulous and enjoying ourselves. However, what is not often seen is the great deal of work that each Sister does. Similarly, we are often associated with fundraising. Although we do a lot of fundraising, that is not our mission and our work spans a lot of other areas. In addition to fundraising, the work of a Sister also includes ministry, education and entertainment. We organize, plan and throw events, some of which are very large and complex. The Sisters regularly visit local hospices, bringing joy to the people there. We also have some very intense one-on-one sessions with the people we meet while out. Ours is a “ministry of…...

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