6 mins read

The Canadian Constitutional Crisis Is Directly Attributed To Trudeau & His Constituents At The World Economic Forum.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has subjected the Canadian people to the first and only invocation of the broad Emergencies Act, which he designed, purposefully aggravated, and did nothing to resolve. We are subjected to Liberal talking points and irrational attacks on those who resist its imposition, rather than indignation from progressive civil libertarians and most of the commentariat for this tremendous overreach (with the honourable exception of two civil liberties organisations and some clergy). Despite the preamble of the legislation and the PM’s comforting assurances, which were immediately followed by a scary litany of acts by the finance minister, claiming that our fundamental rights have not been undermined is patently incorrect. Without a court order, an unknown number of people’s bank accounts have been frozen. We do not know whether those targeted by our political masters participated in the blockades, […]


10 mins read

Police Confiscated Fuel From Freedom Convoy Protest Site & Arrested Several Protesters.

After issuing a statement warning that individuals attempting to bring supplies to support the thousands of demonstrators opposing COVID-19 mandates and limitations gathered in the city will be detained, police in Canada’s capital have began seizing fuel and say they have made many arrests. “IMPORTANT: Anyone attempting to bring material supports (gas, etc.) to the demonstrators could be subject to arrest. Enforcement is underway,”  On Feb. 6 in the early afternoon, Ottawa police issued a statement on social media stating that “enforcement is underway.” Police stated they had arrested seven people in a statement made at 9 p.m. local time. Throughout the day, people were arrested on suspicion of mischief. Multiple vehicles and fuel containers were also seized, according to police. Protesters who talked to The Epoch Times said police did not arrest them for carrying fuel on February 6, […]


6 mins read

Update: Austrian Government is Oppressing the Unvaccinated.

A partial lockdown since last month ends on Sunday for the vaccinated, but those who have not received the required doses will have to remain at home. “We still have an obligation and a need to increase vaccination coverage so that we don’t go from lockdown to lockdown, next year as well. “There are still well over a million Austrians who aren’t vaccinated. That is too many,” she added. “I say very clearly that we don’t want to punish the people who aren’t vaccinated. We want to bring them along, we want to convince them of this vaccination and we want them to show solidarity with everyone so that we can regain our freedom.” Karoline Edtstadler, Cabinet minister responsible for constitutional issues. About 68 percent of Austria’s population is fully vaccinated against COVID-19, one of the lowest rates in Western […]


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