1 min read

Watchman: The Easter Sunday Services at a Megachurch in North Carolina Will Not Include Any References to Words Like Calvary or Phrases Like “Blood of Jesus.” the Great Turning Away

By SRH, A megachurch in North Carolina has declared that in order to promote Easter Sunday services, they would not use terms like Calvary, resurrection, or expressions like “blood of Jesus.” “I will not speak the word Calvary,” I will not use the term “resurrection.” I will not speak of the “blood of Jesus.” Correct? Elevation Church’s digital content developer Nikki Shearer declared, “I won’t say anything that makes someone feel alienated. “This is a really crucial tenet to follow.” Over 25,000 people attend Elevation Church, which is led by Steven Furtick and has locations all over the state. The Evangelical Dark Web and Protestia were the first to find the podcast interview. According to Shearer, it’s critical that individuals experience extreme relaxation when receiving an offer to participate in the church’s Easter services. “It’s very important to us to…...

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