14 mins read

Georgia Court of Appeals Blasts Judge in Juvenile Court That Denied Parents Justice Forcing Them to Flee the State to Keep Their Children

The Judge, in this case, has a reprobate mind,  They “suppress the truth by their wickedness.” That’s why Patrick and Martha Henderson say when a Coweta County juvenile court judge ordered the temporary removal of their children, their first instinct wasn’t to fight – but to run. “I’m sure there are going to be people who are going to be judgmental and be like, ‘You were stupid. You put their lives in danger.’ Everyone knows in the back of their minds, if you have children, you would probably do the same thing,” said Martha. WXIA Big picture – the Hendersons admit turning their family into fugitives wasn’t a good idea. But the spotlight on their case has helped expose aspects of our child welfare system that the Georgia Court of Appeals finds troubling. In its written ruling, Judge Tripp Self writes, […]


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