7 mins read

Watchman: Daily Devotional, Christianity Is a Man-Made Religion. It Has Many Divisions and Factions, and Includes, Among Many Others, Organizations Such As: Catholics, Protestants, Mormons, Evangelicals, Baptists, Etc.

The American Church is largely a failure today anyway, in accomplishing what the true church, which is not an organization formed as a non-profit 501c3 corporation, is supposed to be doing as I see its function in the pages of the New Testament of the Bible. The true church is an organism, functioning as a body, where Jesus Christ is the head, and his disciples are all functioning members of that body working together under the direction of the Head. The true church does exist in America, but it is probably for the most part today an “underground” church. For the most part, it does not look much like how the organized corporate churches look. We deal with broken and destitute people on a daily basis. They are mostly people that would not be welcome in corporate churches. They might have tattoos, […]


5 mins read

Satan Soldiers,AKA FBI Going After Fundamental, Traditional Catholics, Then Fundamentalist, Traditional Baptists, So-Called Radical, Traditional Evangelicalism, and Everyone Else Who Believes in Essentially What Is Bible Believing Christian Believes, Which Is Just a Christian Faith and Is Apparently Dangerous in This Country

SRH: For starters, civil government is secular, whereas Christianity is spiritual. Christians are foreigners and aliens going through this earth (see 1 Peter 1:1). Their place of residence is in paradise (Philippians 3:20). Second, the state may regard Christianity as competitive, if not hostile to its authority. God is the Christian’s ultimate authority. Caesar was “god” in Rome. As a result, Romans regarded Christians as atheists. Christianity came to be regarded as treacherous. Third, Christians were sometimes asked to “follow God rather than man” (Acts 5:29), which openly verified the government’s suspicions. Fourth, either unconsciously or willingly, government officials utilized their authority to aggressively attack the church and persecute Christians. If government officials began to see Christians with mistrust, if not terror, Christians were inclined to consider government as their adversary, as an enemy of God and the gospel of […]


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