3 mins read

Now depending how The Supreme Court will respond to the Friends of The Court letter that Trump’s Prosecutor instead might will soon become a Defendant !

December 21, 2023 Recently Edwin Meese, an Ex-Federal Prosecutor and The Federalist Constitutional Scholars sent a Letter of Instruction to the Supreme Court as a Friends of the Court to have all cases against Trump by Jack Smith dropped. Their letter informed the Supreme Court that Jack Smith does not even have the authority to Prosecute Trump. Attorney General, also did not have the authority to appoint a Special Counsel to Prosecute Trump. Jack Smith’s Special Counsel Appointment Is Unconstitutional, Former Attorney General Tells Supreme Court December 20, 2023 https://dnyuz.com/2023/12/20/jack-smiths-special-counsel-appointment-is-unconstitutional-former-attorney-general-tells-supreme-court/ THE TRUTH WILL ALWAYS WILL BE KNOWN ! AMERICA’S 2020 AND 2022 STOLEN ELECTIONS ARE NOW COMING TO HAUNT AMERICAN CITIZENS AMERICA’S ELECTRONIC VOTING SYSTEMS HAS CHANGED ELCTIONS TO [S]ELECTIONS !!! AMERICA’S 2020 AND 2022 STOLEN ELECTIONS ARE NOW COMING TO HAUNT AMERICAN CITIZENS SOME OF THE PROPONENTS OF THE […]


1 min read

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, Which the Watchman Called the US Government’s Fake “Ministry of Truth,” Is Actually a Censorship Program Targeting the General Public–Truth is Now a Crime

HNewsWire: by Tyler Durden Monday, Jul 24, 2023 – 10:40 PM Authored by Peter Schweizer via The Gatestone Institute, Mission creep is a serious problem in the federal government, and the ongoing investigations by House Republicans into “weaponization” of government misdeeds have shown how pervasive and deep the problem can be. A new report by the House Judiciary Committee documents how the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency “has facilitated the censorship of Americans directly and through third-party intermediaries.” The agency, under the administration of President Joe Biden and under the leadership of Jen Easterly (pictured), ramped up efforts to flag “misinformation and disinformation” on social media. (Photo by Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images) The FBI, Justice Department, CIA and even the Internal Revenue Service all look as we have seen, like tempting operatives for use against political opponents or to run interference…...

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