7 mins read

Bill Gates Says His Foundation Is Abandoning Other Initiatives To ‘Focus 100%’ On Coronavirus

What MR. Gates Is Trying to Say in His Academic Jibber Jabber, I’m Going to Focus 100% of My Time to Yoking HumanityThrough Microchips and Vaccine Programs, I’m A-Moral and That’s a Good Recipe to Bring on the New World Order… In his latest attempt to undermine President Trump over his decision to cut funding to the WHO, Bill Gates has decided to dedicate the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation – the world’s wealthiest charity – solely to battling the novel coronavirus. In an exclusive interview with the FT, Gates said the decision will cause the charity’s other efforts to suffer. Though it’s never explicitly stated in the story, it’s clear on whose shoulders the blame should fall, though we feel it’s unnecessary to spell it out. But before angry leftists start quote-tweeting the headline with some variation of “look what you’ve […]


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