6 mins read

Watchman: Bill Gates Calls for Cows to Be Modified to Fight ‘Climate Change’. — HNW Calls for Bill Gates to Be Modified to Protect Christ Followers

HNewsWire: Bill Gates is yet again attempting to play god, this time he has yet again spoke of his plans to modify cows as part of a claimed effort to “fight climate change” by reducing the “methane emissions” from beef cattle. Gates made the call while speaking at the third edition of the French finance ministry’s “Rendez-vous de Bercy” event in Paris which is held every two years to address different issues related to the French, European, and world economies. Frank Bergman reported that it was during a panel discussion at the globalist event Gates complained that no country is moving fast enough to develop and innovate renewable energy solutions to tackle the alleged “climate crisis.” ‌Bergman continues the article below originally published in Slay News. The third edition of “Rendez-vous de Bercy” was devoted to environmental issues and economic growth […]


14 mins read

Watchman’s Alert: Gates and His Renegades Have More Surprises in Store: the US Government’s Long-Storied Lies—Government Control of the Food Supply, Food Plant Fires, and Avian Flu Are All Deceptively Disguised. The Fate of the Gates Evil Club is in God’s Hand

HNewsWire: 2nd Smartest Guy in the World by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny Source: Pile of American bison skulls waiting to be ground for fertilizer, circa 1870. Burton Historical Collection/Detroit Public Library. It is January 2024. Amish farmers are still being raided, and Bill Gates is buying more US farmland for God only knows what purpose. For nearly a year, The Tenpenny Report has been writing about how the Deep State is trying to starve us, and starve us some more. Food plant fires and avian bird flu are all cleverly disguised, but all have one goal…control over the food supply. However, the COVID era is not the first time this has happened. Far from it. As the saying goes, history does repeat itself. The Buffalo Killers In the 1800s, the US government definitely played a role in shaping the fate of […]


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