26 mins read

Watchman: “On His Heads Were Blasphemous Names.” This Points Out the Blasphemous Character of These Gentile Powers and Is One of the Key Characteristics of This System of the Future, Especially of Its Leader Musk, Larry Page, Zuckerberg, Sundar Pichai, the Anti-Christ Gang

Google Founder And Silicon Valley Artificial Intelligence Engineers Admit ‘We’re Creating God’… HNewsWire: “On his heads were blasphemous names.” This points out the blasphemous character of these Gentile powers and is one of the key characteristics of this system of the future, especially of its leader. This will be done in three primary ways: (a) by claiming that he is God; (b) by trying to usurp the place of God (2 Thess. 2:4; Dan. 7:8); and (c) by slandering the true God (Rev. 13:6; Dan. 11:36–37; 7:25). Google Founder And Silicon Valley Artificial Intelligence Engineers Admit ‘We’re Creating God’… HNewsWire: “It’s just the next step in evolution. I’m serious,” Larry Page, the Google  evil co-founder, said. An engineer from Silicon Valley, California, the home to some of the latest and cutting edge technologies in the world, has said that they […]


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