7 mins read

Watchman: Just Another Plandemic Bill Gates and the Ugly Left, Also Known as Elitists, Are Responsible for This Fake Crisis. Not Only Are Cattle Farts Killing the Planet, They’re Going to Try to Kill 100 Million Cattle Out of “An Abundance of Caution” to Throw U.S.Into a Famine! Is This the Next “Plandemic.? Bird Flu (BS)

By SRH, A Human in Michigan Tested Positive for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza, Authorities Announced on May 22. Every mouth that rises against you in judgment will be condemned, and no weapon prepared against you will succeed. The LORD declares that this is the lineage of his warriors and that I am the source of their righteousness. Isaiah 54:17 The farmworker had minor symptoms but has since recovered, according to the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services. The farmworker’s name, gender, age, and other personal information were withheld. The location and identity of the worker’s employer were also unclear. The patient’s eye swab came back positive, but a test from his nose came back negative, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). H5N1 is known to cause fatigue and eye irritation. The agency stated that […]


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