16 mins read

The ‘FRANKENSKIES’ DOCUMENTARY MOVIE’ exposed the actual Entities responsible in Controlling and Modifying The Weather and its ‘NARRATIVES ‘ but what are these 25 Solar Cycles ?

Dinesh Kaushiva Septmeber October 8 ,2023 In the previous two Parts of this Dossier’s series limited information was provided about America’s  Quest to Control the Weather, Basic difference between Natural Weather and Artificially ‘Geoengineering Weather as Bio-Weapons’ with use of Direct Energy Microwave Frequency Weapons and use of Gain of Function Research to develop and The Biological Weapons to Control and GEOENGINEERING OF THE WEATHER by The Domestic and Global Elites to implement their ONE WORLD ORDER; RELIGION, CURRENCY AND BIOLOGICAL AND DIGITAL ID EVERY HUMAN BEING TO CHANGE THEM INTO CYBORGS – THEIR TOTAL CONTROL, ‘TRANS-HUMANISM’ AND DEPOPULATION AGENDA. We now have irrefutable evidence that almost most of the ailments and diseases are also due to the alleged actions of the same Entities that have been the proponents of The Global Warming and Climate Change Domestic and Global Elites’ […]


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