2 mins read

Censoring Donald Trump Is More “Dangerous To Democracy” Than Anything He

Could Ever Say… Oligarchs and social media giants are now claiming a monopoly on “the truth”, that should worry everyone… The media have called the election for Biden, but the counting goes on and there is a legal case in the offing. But whoever emerges from this deluge of sludge, fraud and propaganda to become president of the United States, there has undoubtedly already been one big loser – freedom of speech. Earlier that night, MSNBC had cut away from Trump’s first speech claiming victory, with anchor Brian Williams claiming it was “not rooted in reality” and “dangerous”. Social media companies were doing the same thing. Within hours of it being set up Facebook deleted a group protesting the election result, while twitter reduced the President’s timeline to this: This isn’t about defending Donald Trump, or even agreeing that the election was rigged (although […]


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