4 mins read

“True the Vote Defeats Fair Fight, Stacy Abrams, Marc Elias, and the Biden DOJ”

January 3, 2024 “HOUSTON, TX, January 2, 2024 – True the Vote (TTV) declares a decisive triumph in their legal battle against Stacy Abrams’ Fair Fight, legal teams led by Marc Elias, and the Biden Department of Justice. A federal court in the Northern District of Georgia today affirmed that citizens have the right to lawfully petition their government in support of election integrity without fear of persecution or prosecution. In a resounding vindication, TTV successfully defended its actions of December 2020, aiding Georgia citizens in filing elector challenges based on data showing over 364,000 voters appeared to be ineligible to vote due to change in residency. This victory is a testament to every American’s constitutional right to free speech and the importance of actively participating in the electoral process. True the Vote President Catherine Engelbrecht affirmed, “Today’s ruling sends […]


7 mins read

The following Investigative Articles expose U.S. Department of Justice Played a Key role in 2010 in the launching of the “Rigging Of The Elections” System and more.

December 10, 2023 George Soros, Barrack Hussein Obama, Hillary Clinton, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder British Citizen-Lord Mark Malloch-Brown #, CIA, FBI, George W. Bush, etc., are all implicated and exposed in this following Investigative Articles’ Compilation of embedded, articles, documented evidence, videos etc.                                                                                                                                                                       ———————- COMPILATION OF MULTIPLE ARTICLES AND EMBEDDED VIDEOS EXPOSING THE MASTER PLANS AND ENTITIES INVOLVED IN LAUNCHING OF THE ‘RIGGING THE ELECTIONS’ AND THE USE OF ELECTRONIC AND MAIL ORDER ELECTIONS’ RIGGING SYSTEMS, etc.                                                                                                                                                                  ———————— SUGGESTION : PLEASE NOTE THAT IF YOU CHOOSE TO OPEN ANY OF THE EMBEDDED ARTICLES OR VIDEOS OF THE ARTICLES PLEASE USE THE TOP LEFT ARROW OF YOUR BROWSER TO CLOSE THE CURRENT ARTICLE AND BACK TO THE MAIN ARTICLE TO OPEN TO CONTINUE. ======================== Meet Maribeth Petrizzi, DOJ election rigger – THE GREAT OPTECH SOFTWARE ANTITRUST RUSE Contents of the […]


1 min read

It’s beginning to look a lot like treason…

Dinesh Kaushiva November 21 , 2023 Great musical summary of America’s Current Elections status: It’s beginning to look a lot like treason… https://twitter.com/BehizyTweets/status/1602134622283759616 PLEASE SHARE WITH YOUR FAMILY, FRIENDS AND EVEN FOES. Newsletter Name Please enter your name. Email Address Please enter a valid email address. Subscribe! Thanks for subscribing! Please check your email for further instructions. Something went wrong. Please check your entries and try again. Orphans Support The 127.org Editor’s Bio


11 mins read


Dinesh Kaushiva November 17, 2023 During the 2020  ELECTIONS’ CAMPAIGNS Joe Biden bragged about  how ” HOW WE ( IMPLIED – BIDEN AND OBAMA) AND THE GUYS IN THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION HAVE DEVELOPED THE MOST SOPHISTICATED VOTER FRAUD SYSTEM IN THE HISTORY “ AND NOW DAILY MAIL HAS EXPOSED BIDEN’S  INTENDED SECRET ACTION WHICH IS UPPING HIS “HIGHLY SOPHISTICATED VOTER FRAUD SYSTEM OF THE 2020 ELECTIONS” ANOTHER NOTCH FOR THE 2024 UPCOMING ELECTIONS. FLASH BACK TO REVIEW BIDEN’S 2020 CAMPAIGN STATEMENTS: In Joe Biden’s own words during the 2020 Elections’ Campaigns: ============================= https://rumble.com/vrhvht-biden-its-no-longer-just-who-gets-to-vote…-its-who-gets-to-count-the-vote.html ————————————————–     Joe Biden brags about having “the most extensive and inclusive VOTER FRAUD organization” in history. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MA8a2g6tTp0 ============================== In our opinion the above confessions of Joe Biden should have been enough ‘NOT TO CERTIFY THE 2020 ELECTIONS’ RESULTS because of the level of Voter Fraud that was […]


3 mins read

Voting Machine Company That ‘Flipped’ Votes in Pennsylvania Admits “Someone Programmed the Election”

Dinesh Kaushiva November 8, 2023 ng Machine Company That ‘Flipped’ Votes in Pennsylvania Admits “Someone Programmed the Election” GHOST OF 2020 AND 2022 ELECTIONS ALLEGEDLY RIDDEN WITH ALL DIFFERENT ASPECTS OF VOTER FRAUD HAS COME OUT OF ITS GRAVE OF THE GOVERNMENT’S’ INSTITUTIONALIZED  ELECTRONIC VOTING SYSTEMS’ VOTER FRAUD SECRETS WIDE OPEN  FOR THE PUBLIC TO SEE. “Voting Machine Company That ‘Flipped’ Votes in Pennsylvania Admits ‘Someone Programmed the Election’   By Frank Bergman, November 8, 2023 https://slaynews.com/news/voting-machine-company-flipped-votes-pennsylvania-admits-someone-programmed-election/ —————————- A top executive from the company behind the voting machines that “flipped votes” in Pennsylvania on Tuesday has admitted that “someone from our team programmed the election.” The voting machine issued caused votes in an eastern Pennsylvania county to appear to be “flipped” on a ballot question, officials said Tuesday” ———————— Since this particular Election in Eastern Pennsylvania was between Judges we are […]


15 mins read

How is the 2023 Election’s decision of State Judge William Clark  different than the decision of the 2020 Fulton County, GA Election’s decision made by U.S. District Judge Amy Totenberg ?

Dinesh Kaushiva November 7, 2023 State Judge William Clark reviewed a recent Connecticut’s Mayoral Elections’ reported Election’s Results corrupted with alleged Voter Fraud evidence and threw out the Reported Election Results and has ordered a new election. In a contrast U.S. District Judge Amy Totenberg in presiding over a joint law suit brought by a  Duo –a Democrat and a Republican – Plaintiffs about 2020 The Fulton County Elections’ over looked the Voter Fraud Evidence and instead ordered a  Forensic  Electronic Audit to be done by Professor Haldermann, a very respected Computer Science Professor , and his team, specializing in Electronic Computerized Elections’ Equipment and Software.   Prof. Halderman’s audit was not focused on Election Voter Fraud issues itself but instead to determine the Integrity and dependability of the Voters’ Ballot Data of the Electronic Voting Machines’ and Equipment’s’ Hardware and […]


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