4 mins read

Scientist have developed a new method to deliver their ‘Bio-Weapon’ – ‘KILL SHOTS’ without a needle.

December 23, 2023 “On May 26, 2021 A team of researchers, led by a University of Minnesota associate professor, have developed a polymer “wafer” that, when placed under the tongue, can effectively deliver and preserve protein-based vaccines for diseases.” (1) Naturally, on queue Bill Gates, the World’s leader of developing Medicines, Injections, Vaccines, GMO, Nano Particles with Artificial Intelligence, CHEMTRAILS to Dime the Sun AND SPRAY NANO METALLIC PARTICLES WITH ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TO IMPLEMENT HIS GMO AND DEPOPULATION AGENTS AND SPIKE PROTEIN, CARBON NET ZERO, Joint Patents of CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) WITH U.S.DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE DIVISION D.A.R.P.A, and Lab Grown Mosquitoes to spread diseases, sterilize unsuspected populations, and implement his Father’s desires to Depopulate the World Agenda jumped on this technology and according to The Defender ; “The Gates Foundation-funded Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) has invested $1.2 million in […]


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