5 mins read

Liz Gunn (NZ) is calling for a Full Blown Criminal Inquiry of COVID-19 PLAN-demic and Deaths caused by The COVID-19 Vaccines.

Dinesh Kaushiva November 2, 2023 Liz Gunn has been a very vocal ANTI COVID-19 –VACCINE WARRIOR but her newly formed party failed to acquire any Parliament Seats in the recent elections. # The following video of hers is very compelling and it states what the majority World –  except the Domestic and Global Elites – is now very slowly becoming aware that something very, very drastically went wrong starting in 2019 and is still continuing ‘UNCHECKED’ and taking lives of our children and loved one with their MULTI-VERSIONS  (1) OF SPIKE PROTEIN EXPERIMENT UNTESTED COVID-19  BIO-WEAPON INJECTIONS. It is also being reported all around the World people are suddenly dying, or very prematurely, and there has been a surge of increase of the diseases that previously were brought under control plus many new unknown diseases for which the Doctors are […]


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