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“This is bigger than COVID: Why are so many Americans dying early?”

December 14, 2023 Pierre Kory of Front Line Doctors along with Mary Beth Pfeiffer, a Investigative Reporter, filed the following article on Hill.com that confirms what the Independent World Wide Scientist, Doctors and Medical Professionals have been warning that The Democrat Party’s Experiment Untested Spike Protein COVID-19 ‘Bio-Weapon’ Injections’ aka VACCINES’ are causing excessive death. This is bigger than COVID: Why are so many Americans dying early? by Pierre Kory and Mary Beth Pfeiffer, Opinion Contributors – 12/12/23 https://thehill.com/opinion/healthcare/4354004-this-is-bigger-than-covid-why-are-so-many-americans-dying-early/ ========================== REFERENCES AND SOURCES ALLEGEDLY DEMOCRAT PARTY’S COVID-19 INJECTIONS’ HIDDEN AGENDA IS TRANSHUMANISM https://hnewswire.com/allegedly-democrat-partys-covid-19-injections-hidden-agenda-is-transhumanism/?fl_builder&fl_builder_ui =============================== PLEASE SHARE WITH YOUR FAMILY, FRIENDS AND EVEN FOES.   ALL AROUND THE WORLD YOUNG HEALTH INDIVIDUALS ARE EITHER DROPPING DEAD SINCE THE SPIKE PROTEIN COVID-19 BIO-WEAPON INJECTIONS BEGAN DROPPING DEAD ON SPORTS’ FIELD OR JUST IN THEIR SLEEP Newsletter Name Please enter your name. Email […]


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