56 mins read

The Entire Global Covid-19 Crisis Is Replete With Occult Symbiology and Ritual Occult

HNewsWire: Initiation Themes ,There’s no more widely used occult number in the world than the number “six.” As you know, the antichrist’s very number is “six hundred, three score and six,” or 6-6-6. “Social distancing” as state-mandated humiliation…If restaurants carrying out the governors’ edicts can get you do participate in this “new normal,” it’s a clear message that the government can do anything to you without repercussion… The powers-that-be assure us that if we’ll all walk six feet apart, we won’t catch coronavirus. Do you really need me to explain why that’s a bunch of hogwash? Are you not aware that there are already MILLIONS of viruses in every breath of air you take? No matter where you walk, those viruses are there – somewhere between 1.6 million to 40 million viruses in every cubic meter of air we pass […]


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