9 mins read

Watchman: The Fact That Donald Trump Is Currently Working With Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo to Spread False Information About Ron Desantis’s Handling of the COVID Outbreak Demonstrates How Uncertain He Is About Receiving the Republican Nomination for President in 2024

HNewsWire: Donald Trump, the inventor of the COVID vaccine, has joined forces with disgraced ex-New York governor Andrew Cuomo to viciously attack Florida governor Ron DeSantis. Former President Donald Trump reaches new depths daily, shocking even his most ardent detractors. Not only has he begun attacking his 2024 opponent Ron DeSantis, but he has also thrown his former press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, under the bus. Now he has teamed up with disgraced ex-governor Andrew Cuomo to rewrite the history of how New York and Florida dealt with the COVID pandemic. Therefore, let’s set the record straight. “When the righteous are in charge, the people rejoice, but when the wicked are in charge, the people are in despair.” Proverbs 29:2 (KJB) If you lived in New York under Ander Cuomo during the Plannedemic, you will recall that over 17,000 elderly died […]


6 mins read

I’ve Said Repeatedly I’ll Say It Again This Guy Is Demonic Gov. Andrew Cuomo

Donald Trump Caused the COVID Outbreak in New York… I’m starting to wonder if the Cuomo family tree has any branches on it. I remember patriarch Mario Cuomo as being somewhat tolerable for a Democrat. He had some personality. He was a good baseball player when he was young. But that was a different era. No god Don’t Flatten The Curve, I-I-I-I and I Did That… Splashed across the front page of the Saturday edition of the Telegraph is a story claiming the number of deaths in nursing homes is ~3,700% higher than government figures reflect. Monday news conference, Gov. Cuomo managed to alienate many New Yorkers with his words about the role religion played in the COVID-19 crisis.westernjournal.com Replying to @TheRealMaradkelYeah, the addition of these 3,778 “probable” #COVID19 deaths to the NYC death toll in a single day was very telling about what’s going on […]


17 mins read

Update: Cuomo to Trump:“ He Better Have an Army If He Thinks He’s Gonna

Walk Down the Street in New York. New Yorkers Don’t Want to Have Anything to Do With Him,” the Democrat Said, All but Threatening the Commander in Chief. but Cuomo, Who Like Trump Hails From Queens, Wasn’t Done. He Can’t Have Enough Bodyguards to Walk Through New York City, People Don’t Want to Have Anything to Do With Him… “DO NOT THINK THAT I CAME TO BRING PEACE ON EARTH. I DID NOT COME TO BRING PEACE BUT A SWORD.” MATTHEW 10:34… It Will Get Ugly From Here, Governors Against the President, Mayors Against Governors They Are Haters of GOD’s Truth–Neighbor Against Neighbor— For I have come to turn ‘A man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.  A man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.’ 37Anyone who loves his father or mother more than Me […]


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