8 mins read

Texas may pass a “Save Chick-fil-A” bill,After Texas does the right thing-let’s get America to follow suit

The Roman Catholic Church divides sin into two categories, mortal sin and venial sin. The issue of sin as the Bible teaches it is one of the most fundamental aspects of understanding life with God and what it means to know Him. As we walk through this life, we must know how to respond biblically to our own sin and the manifestations of humankind’s sinfulness that we encounter moment by moment, day by day. The consequences of not having a biblical understanding of sin and, thus, not responding to sin accordingly, are devastating beyond words. An incorrect understanding of sin can result in an eternity separated from God in hell. But praise to the glorious name of our God and Savior Christ Jesus! In His Holy Word, God has shown plainly what sin is, how it affects us personally, and […]


11 mins read

An Open Letter to Jack Graham in Response to His Dallas News Article Pastor Jack Graham,

In my 30 years of pastoring a Southern Baptist church in Texas, I have faced plenty of criticism. It’s par for the course, especially if you hold on to traditional, biblical views in America nowadays. But never, in all these years, did I ever think I would find myself in a situation facing criticism for actually opposing a bill that would ban abortion in the state. The Abolish Abortion in Texas Act, recently introduced into the Legislature, has been touted as a “pro-life” bill. But while I agree with the spirit of the bill, its mechanism of action is a far cry from “pro-life.” The bill would amend the state’s criminal code, so that a woman who has an abortion could be charged with homicide and potentially face the death penalty.Here is the link to his original article:  https://www.dallasnews.com/opinion/commentary/2019/05/11/southern-baptist-pastor-oppose-texas-bill-imprison-women-receive-abortions Pastor Jack […]


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