1 min read

Transhumanism: Globalists Promise to ‘Improve’ on God’s Design of Man: Watchman Sees Demonic Mandate by Global Front-man, Klaus Schwab, Dark Times Ahead

SRH: At My First Defense No One Came to Stand By Me, but All Deserted Me. May It Not Be Charged Against Them! But the Lord Stood by Me and Strengthened Me, so That Through Me the Message Might Be Fully Proclaimed and All the Gentiles Might Hear It. So I Was Rescued From the Lion’s Mouth. The Lord Will Rescue Me From Every Evil Deed and Bring Me Safely Into His Heavenly Kingdom. To Him Be the Glory Forever and Ever. We have to awaken to the fact that the COVID scamdemic has rapidly accelerated the technocratic and transhumanistic aspects of the New World Order (NWO) to the point where people are blindly lining up to get injected with a “treatment” which is also a chemical device, an operating system, a synthetic pathogen and chemical pathogen production device. HNewsWire:…...

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