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Straight Out of Revelations Satan Soldiers Are Busy

Making Plans National Democratic Party Official Suggests Re-Education for Trump Supporters… Unfortunately for the DNC they’ll have to wait another four years before they can implement their hell on earth plans For Christians/Conservatives in this Country. 19 Nov 2020 | David Atkins, a newly elected California member of the Democratic National Committee, declared recently that Democrats and liberals should “start thinking in terms of post-WWII Germany or Japan” in order to “deprogram 75 million people.” The 75 million people he referred to are presumably Trump supporters. According to The Associated Press, President Donald Trump received more than 73 million votes during the 2020 presidential election. Conservative activist Jack Posobiec tweeted Atkins’s remarks, captioning them, “A Democrat Party official in California is calling for national re-education camps for families who voted for Trump. This is not OK.” The tweets in question began, “How do you […]


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