13 mins read

National Blackouts Loom, California Lead The Way As Electricity Prices Are “Absolutely Exploding”

Be Warned!… Common sense tells me that the power outage in Texas, New York City and Calif is a red warning flag of what is to come on a larger scale and must be seen that way.  It is inevitable and it is only a matter of time. NATION WIDE PLANDEMIC BLACK-OUT Two inexorable energy trends are underway in California: soaring electricity prices and ever-worsening reliability – and both trends bode ill for the state’s low- and middle-income consumers. You have to make a plan to protect yourself and your family. It is irresponsible not to do so. Because when a massive blackout does hit, you will be entirely on your own.  No one will be riding to your rescue. Expect GOD… Last week, the state’s grid operator, the California Independent System Operator, issued a “flex alert” that asked the state’s consumers to reduce […]


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