10 mins read

Republican Politicians Are Giving China’s Human Rights Abuses the Attention They Deserve.

Rep. Steve Chabot (R-Ohio) chastised the International Olympic Committee (IOC) for permitting China’s regime to host the Winter Olympics in Beijing despite the Communist Party’s genocide and forced organ harvesting of persecuted populations. “The International Olympic Committee should be embarrassed in picking the PRC, China, in the first place when you consider their grotesque human rights abuses over the years, and then not moving it to a more appropriate location,” Chabot added. In a recent appearance on NTD’s “Capitol Report,” Chabot remarked, “They really ought to be ashamed.”  Chabot’s comments come as Beijing prepares to host the 2022 Winter Olympics. The Games began on February 4 and will end on February 20. When Beijing submitted its application to host the 2022 Winter Olympics in 2015, rights groups expressed alarm about China’s deteriorating human rights situation. Despite protests, the IOC chose the […]


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