21 mins read

Watchman: Pay Attention to This…No One Will Know Until Everyone Knows. And by the Time Everyone Knows, It’s Already Too Late. Almost No Coverage of a Phenomenon Is Being Given to It by Mainstream Media Outlets Right Now, and for Good reason.if People Knew What Was Going On Right Now, the Financial System as a Whole Would Crash

De-Banking: Americans Are Withdrawing Massive Amounts Of Money From Banks As Collapse Crisis Looms… HNewsWire: Massive amounts of outflows of cash are quietly exiting American banks, though such pivotal acts are receiving very little to no press coverage on the mainstream, as this velocity of massive withdrawals is an indication that the banking crisis mainstream media and politicians says has been contained really has not been. The volatility within the thousands of U.S. banks, small, medium, and large is indeed fascinating. In mid-May, according to public data published by the St. Louis Federal Reserve, an astounding $910 billion in deposits fled American financial institutions, compared to one year ago at that time. Financial and crypto website Daily Hodl reported at the time, ‘In May of last year, the amount of capital held by banks on behalf of depositors sat at […]


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