10 mins read

Freak Summer Fire-Ice Hail Storm Hits California: As Written in Exodus, Pyrocumulonimbus Cloud

Exodus 9:24 King James Version (KJV). 24 So there was hail, and fire mingled with the hail, very grievous, such as there was none like it in all the land of Egypt since it became a nation. Recently, the National Weather Service issued its first-ever warning for a tornado caused by fire. A wind vortex generated by a wildfire in Northern California created a pyrocumulonimbus cloud.  One hour time lapse from the @AlertWildfire Babbit Peak webcam of the #LoyaltonFire and it’s rotating pyrocumulus plume which resulted in a tornado warning being issued for the possibility of a fire induced tornado. @NWSReno @USTornadoes @Weather_West #CAwx #severeweather pic.twitter.com/XikyZU5uZt — US StormWatch (@GreatWinter2017) August 15, 2020 Such clouds generated by extreme heat like that found in a wildfire or volcanic eruption can be accompanied by tornados of fire, hail, and lightning. Dubbed firenadoes, the combined effects of these phenomena can cause greatly increased fire-spread and cause direct dangers […]


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