6 mins read

Here Are The ‘Alt Tech’ Platforms Trump Supporters Are Flocking To

After Parler Executed By Amazon… Over the past week, President Trump has been kicked off of Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and was blocked from e-commerce platform Shopify – all because of a pair of relatively benign tweets on January 8th, two days after the Capitol ‘riot’ in which a small group of Trump supporters and a BLM activist were allowed into the Capitol Building through an opened door. Trump’s ‘offending’ tweets: Trump’s last two tweets which resulted in his permanent ban from the platform, via mirrored account at gab.com Twitter, likely realizing the ‘last straw’ used to justify banning a sitting US president was extremely weak sauce (a move which has shocked the world), said the tweets “must be read in the context of broader events in the country.” Furious Trump supporters immediately began to abandon Twitter for so-called ‘alt-tech’ conservative-friendly alternatives, Parler and Gab. Over the weekend, however, Amazon and […]


9 mins read

Satan Soldiers Are Getting Aggressive With the Small Tech Co, Gab Is

Emerging as the Home of Free Speech Online… Silicon Valley Insiders Seek Employment With Gab As “Internal Civil War” Rages In Big Tech Gab is emerging as the home of free speech online. take our poll – story continues below Gab CEO Andrew Torba revealed that Big Tech insiders are seeking employment with the free speech platform, sickened by Silicon Valley’s monopoly and authoritarian practices. What Torba calls an “internal civil war” over the slightest resemblance of internet freedom is raging in Silicon Valley, with even the most moderate company officials supportive of free expression being bullied and shut down by tech oligarchs. “I cannot tell you how many people… If you only knew what was inside my inbox right now. There are so many people- including senior level inside of Silicon Valley firms who are reaching out to me […]


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