31 mins read

Watchman: We See in This Account Maui That Just as Satan and His Demons, Bill Gates and Company, and Other Techno Predictions, Such as Musk X, Can Seemingly Alter Weather and Lives, as We See Now in the Field of Geoengineering and the Use of Energy Weapons, So Can God. We Now Know That Satan and His Globalist Allies Have Tipped Their Hand—They Are No Match For God…

According to eyewitness accounts, Maui police officers blockaded the escape and evacuation routes. The police officer said: “I’m under order to keep them here”. People burned alive in their cars… Climate Lockdowns Are Next on the Agenda for Totalitarianism Tribulation! HNewsWire: We are living in the end times. The exaltation of the satanic and demonic will grow worse, not better. The whole world will fall under Satan’s spell. “that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world” –Revelation 12:9  Millions Will Die 2023-2024-2025 and 2026. According to eyewitness accounts, Maui police officers blockaded the escape and evacuation routes. The police officer said: “I’m under order to keep them here”. People burned alive in their cars… Please watch and share widely: Hundreds of people are believed to be dead, and entire towns have been burned to the […]


10 mins read

Watchman: We Are the Ones That Require Defense Against Trudeau and His Nefarious European Globalist Allies. Argentina, New Zealand, and the Netherlands All Got Rid of Rutte and Weffer, Respectively. What Makes Canadians So Naive?

Technology is developing at an incredible rate. However, it only serves as a parallel to developments in other fields that the impending Antichrist would use to carry out his nefarious schemes to subjugate humanity during the Tribulation. Political, economic, social, governmental, religious, and technological advancements will be necessary for the impending Beast regime in order for the Antichrist to realize all of his goals. We must also keep in mind that the Antichrist will require assistance to complete his mission. The Antichrist uses a coalition of ten kings to carry out his global Beast system, despite the fact that he is given authority by the Dragon himself (Rev 13:2, 4). Then, three of them will be defeated or eliminated later. Let’s think about how the Bible characterizes these 10 “kings.” Daniel 7:19-20 KJV: “Then I would know the truth… Read […]


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