5 mins read

Watchman: Leave Google Behind With a Private, De-googled, Freedom-Oriented Android Distribution

Google Destroy Everything They Touch By SRH, A Private, De-Googled, Freedom-Focused Android DistributionIn an era where privacy feels like a luxury and tech giants and governments seem to know our every move, a growing number of people are seeking ways to reclaim their digital lives.The omnipresence of Google in our daily routines—from searching the web to navigating with maps and managing emails—has led to a sense of unease about the amount of data being collected. But what if there was a way to de-Google your life without sacrificing the convenience of modern technology? Enter the world of private and open-source mobile operating systems. We’ve explored this extensively in our De-Google Your Life series and today we have a new addition we’ve been testing… A Private, De-Googled, Freedom-Focused Android DistributionIn an era where privacy feels like a luxury and tech giants […]


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