Watchman: How Satan Soldiers at Google And Wikipedia Brainwash You. They Are Evil Incarnate!

Internet giants cover-up for Big Pharma, suppress alternative medicine and bury inconvenient facts…   According to research done by We Are Social, the average internet user spends over 6 and half hours online every day. The internet is both a blessing as a curse. On the one hand, it gives us access to knowledge and technology that improves our lives, but on the other hand, it’s an addictive and dangerous mind-control tool that can be exploited to influence your choices and manipulate your thinking. The COVID pseudopandemic has seen internet censorship rise to an unprecedented level. The controllers and their minions are scrambling to silence anyone who dares to question the efficacy of vaccines or the existence of Sars-Cov-2. Let’s recap: In the space of a few months, thousands of YouTube channels and millions of Facebook posts have been deleted. The former president of the United…

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