The Real Reason Vaccines Are Being Pushed So Hard, Kill Shot — Tribulation

FakeBook, Tweeter Gab, and YouTube Are Un-Reliable News Source/ J. D. Rucker, writing at provides food for thought to those who are suspicious of why the vaccines are being pushed so hard. He writes: When writing an opinion piece with a “reveal,” it behooves authors to build up to their climax in which they announce their profound findings in or near their article’s conclusion. In this case, I’m supposed to set up my “reveal” of the real reason they’re pushing vaccines so hard. I’m choosing to explain what it is first, then I will demonstrate why this is not only true but also ludicrous and very concerning. The answer is annoyingly simple on the surface, but when we dig into the motives of those who are actually in power over this situation, we realize just how complex it all is. They…

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