11 mins read

The Hoax of the ‘Separation of State and Church Conflict’ Exposed.

December 1, 2023 There has been a continued conflict calling about the need for the Separation of State and Church for a long time in America and it pokes its ugly head UP very frequently during  the current events’ political affairs. Right up front the challenge has been the issue of not using, or allowing, Jewish’s  or Church’s Religious Principles and Doctrines as the foundation of handling the Governmental matters. The ‘HYPOTHETICAL IDEAL DREAM’ of the proponents of Separation of State and Church  have always been is that all Government matters must be handled on a SECULAR BASIS IN THE STATE’S OPERATIONS AND AFFAIRS (being presented as a  Separation and FREEDOM FROM ANY RELIGIOUS PREJUDICE, PRINCIPLES OR TEACHINGS) . IN THE PROCESS OF DOING OUR RESEARCH WE BECAME AWARE THAT IT IS ONLY A HOAX ; THE MATTER OF THE […]


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