Satan Soldiers In Australia: Construction Of Mickleham Quarantine Camp Starts —

America Has Fema Camps Ready… Construction is under way at Melbourne’s Center for National Resilience – the unwieldy name given to the new quarantine facility in Mickleham – with the camp set to open by the end of the year. Construction of the new quarantine facility in Mickleham has begun. JASON SOUTH A community engagement session was held earlier this week on progress of the fast-tracked 1000-bed accommodation site for returning travelers, however residents were told that builders would not be delayed by any consultation process. Earthworks have begun at an empty paddock in Melbourne’s north, which sits next to the federal government’s pet quarantine facility and is about 300 metres from homes. The project is being modeled on the Howard Springs center in the Northern Territory, which has proven to be highly effective at preventing leaks of COVID-19 compared…

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