8 mins read

Watchman Says It’s Time to Put an End to the Nonsense. Though They Have Embarrassed Themselves, Whether It Matters in This DC Kangaroo Court Remains to Be Seen

HNewsWire: The feds’ political persecution of the Proud Boys took a wild turn after unintentionally leaked chat logs from FBI Special Agent Nicole Miller revealed she said she was ordered by her boss to “destroy” “338 items of evidence.” The leaked chats also suggest Miller failed to reveal relevant communications to the defense, potentially spied on privileged attorney-client communications and was asked by another agent to “edit out that I was present” during a meeting with a Confidential Human Source Informant. The shocking revelations were shared in a filing by Proud Boy Ethan Nordean’s (aka Rufio Panman) defense team on Thursday: The feds are now claiming some of the leaked messages are “likely classified” in what appears to be a bid to hide this bombshell evidence from the jury. From Politico, “‘Spill’ of classified info derails Proud Boys trial”: As part of her […]


8 mins read

Watchman: The Trump Administration: J6 Political Prisoners, and He Wants an Additional Four Years? Hell No! These Americans Are Pows and Trump’s to Blame!

Satan Soldier Master Liar Trump More Empty Promises, Like Cyrus in the End Turned Against God … Destruction of lives People are being detained without a bail hearing or a trial being scheduled for them. People are being held in jails that are effectively torture chambers; they are being refused medication, their consultations with attorneys are being delayed, and they are being punished with solitary confinement for meeting with their counsel. We bid you a warm welcome to America. This is what will happen to you if you protest an election. In point of fact, if you were to be murdered in the same manner as Ashli Babbitt, who was unarmed, skinny, white, and a veteran of the Air Force, there would be no consequences for the person who committed the murder, Lieutenant Michael Byrd, who is still employed by the […]


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