9 mins read

CNN Producer John Griffin in a Second Lawsuit After Arrest for Enticing Minors.

A $15 million civil complaint has been filed on behalf of a 9-year-old against John Griffin, a former producer for CNN’s “New Day” who was fired in December over child trafficking claims. According to Fox News, the case was filed last week in Bridgeport on behalf of a 9-year-old “Jane Doe” and her custodial “next best friend” Janet Doe, alleging “despicable actions” of “horrific sexual abuse” and exploitation. “For several years prior to 2020, the defendant solicited young girls, including the minor plaintiff, for the purpose of knowingly persuading, inducing, enticing and coercing them to engage in sexual activity, sexual exploitation, and/or sexual trafficking,” the lawsuit claims. Griffin, who was booted by the network last month, is accused of pressuring parents to bring their girls to a house he bought in Vermont so he could participate in illicit sexual conduct. […]


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