13 mins read

Watchman:They Kill With Indemnity. The AARP Just Told Its 38 Million Members To Get An 8th (Yes, Eighth!!) Kill Shot of mRNA

mRNA Kill Shots Effect and Dangers HNewsWire: by Tyler Durden Authored by Alex Berenson via ‘Unreported Truths’ substack, AARP? Or AARPfizer? The lobbying group for older Americans just told its nearly 38 million members to “hustle” for another Covid jab, even if they have already had five boosters. See for yourself. The following question-and-answer column ran in the organization’s December “AARP Bulletin”: AARP is open to anyone 50 or older. The column does not specify a narrower or higher age range for its recommendation. Thus it implies that even a 50-year-old who has not already had six “Covid boosters” needs to “catch up” with another immediately. Keep in mind that someone who has had “five Covid boosters” has actually received seven mRNA jabs – the initial two-shot primary vaccination regimen, followed by five boosters. Thus AARP is suggesting its members should be taking […]


1 min read

Watchman’s Warning More Shedding: Self-Amplifying mRNA COVID Shot AKA(Kill Shots) Approved a New Self-Amplifying mRNA (Sa-mRNA) COVID Shot Received the Green Light From Japan’s Ministry of Health. The US Is Next. New and Improved Ways To Kill Us

We really appreciate your help. Maintaining the websites and live streaming videos requires a substantial financial commitment. Any amount contribution is much appreciated. Please think about contributing a reasonable amount on a monthly basis. Please Give Please Give You can also send a check to PO Box 127, Pontotoc, TX 76869. The HIMEDIA Group. By SRH, HNewsWire: Kill Shots The next generation of RNA-based injections will contain self-amplifying RNA (saRNA). If the term “self-amplifying RNA” sounds frightening, it should. It likely brings to mind images of scientific experiments running amok. As discussed in a previous article, “mRNA vaccines” are not made with messenger RNA but with modified RNA (modRNA). These so-called vaccines are actually gene therapy products (GTPs), as modRNA hijacks our cells’ software. We have no possibility at all of gaining influence on modRNA (or saRNA) after it has…...

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