5 mins read

War of words after near-massacre of congressmen…

The attempted massacre of Republican congressmen Wednesday morning set social media on fire, resurrecting debate over gun laws and political rhetoric – and that was before the suspected gunman was even identified. “Armed men stopped the political murder of Republicans today,” attorney and writer Kurt Schlichter tweeted after multiple shots rang out during an early-morning congressional baseball practice in Alexandria, VA. Authorities have said suspected shooter James Hodgkinson shot and wounded Rep. Steve Scalise and an aide, and two Capitol Hill police officers were also wounded when they exchanged gunfire with the gunman, fatally wounding him. During a brief press conference, President Donald Trump announced the gunman had died of his wounds. Scalise, who is House Majority Whip, is guarded by Capitol Hill police and Sen. Rand Paul told Fox News the baseball field would have been a “massacre” if […]


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