9 mins read

Madonna Performs At Eurovision 2019 As The Antichrist,Once Again Satan Is Driving The Cultural Bus!

UP-Date 5/30/19 Facebook has reversed its decision, this post can now be seen on Facebook….. The facts have not changed, Facebook and Twitter are the worst about censoring Christian. The antichrist will appear while people on Facebook and Twitter are in Lala land, the strong delusion, it’s in place, some people are spiritually dead… Considering the information Christ gave us in Matthew 24:15-30, it is easy to conclude that the beginning of the Great Tribulation has much to do with the abomination of desolation, an action of the Antichrist. In Daniel 9:26-27, we find that this man will make a “covenant” (a peace pact) with the world for seven years (one “week”; again, see the article on the Tribulation). Halfway through the seven-year period—”in the middle of the week”—we are told this man will break the covenant he made, stopping sacrifice and […]


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