20 mins read

Corporate Worship Is Key to Losing Your Faith “Apostasy” Struggling With the

SIN Virus Homosexuality… In Christianity, apostasy is the rejection of the faith by someone who formerly was a Christian. It is a conscious abandonment of faith in God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. B.J. Oropeza, an author and assistant professor of Biblical Studies at Azusa Pacific University, says that there are three dangers that could lead a Christian to commit apostasy: temptations, deceptions, and persecutions. Below we will look at scriptures that support each of these, and scriptures you can use to encourage those at risk of leaving the faith. These themes are consistent with Oropeza’s theory, but some specific causes include worldliness, moral lapse, forsaking spiritual living, and unbelief. Some examples of biblical characters that committed apostasy include Saul (1 Samuel 15:11), Amaziah (2 Chronicles 25: 14,27) and many disciples (John 6:66). Two high-profile Christian leaders recently went […]


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